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Insurance Advisors Have the Best Jobs and A Lot To Be Thankful For

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It's the season where we stop the hectic movement for a day or two and give thanks, and we decided to take a few moments with our agencies to do just that. Starting Thanksgiving off a little early, we wanted to share some thoughts from us, and our members, about why we're so thankful to be doing what we're all doing. We love what we do, and we love having the privilege of working with people who are so committed to their businesses, their teams, and their clients.

As the sentiments from our agencies started rolling in, it was immediately apparent that what we value so much about working with our clients is nearly identical to the way they feel about working with their clients. What makes our jobs so special – and different from so many other industries – is that we get to be on the inside, helping people with their businesses or personal lives. It puts us each in a position of intimacy with our clients, and it makes business highly personal.

The number of agency leaders who tell us about the incredible responsibility they feel for the people in their care is so inspiring. It's working with these people who believe they're in business for a reason bigger than themselves that is unbelievably moving and is what motivates us every day.

With all of the craziness we are experiencing, it would be easy to let the spirit of this holiday pass without reflection; it would be easy to let the long hours, frustration, and long to-do lists become our focus. But that's not us; it's not any of us. Then again, maybe those long hours, countless frustrations, and long to-do lists represent the very things for which we should be thankful. Buried there are all the unbelievable opportunities we are all afforded.

What are you thankful for?

Beyond the season, it is important to ask ourselves this question on a regular basis; it is a question that will take you back to the reason you do what you do. Our day-to-day work is hard; it's physically and emotionally draining, especially right now. None of us minds hard work. We're willing to pour ourselves into it for the benefit of those around us. However, there has to be a balance. Reminding ourselves of what it is we're thankful for, why we do what we do, is the energy source that makes it all come together. In fact, we bet with just that simple reflection, we will all feel we have an energy surplus.

Take a few minutes to slow down and look at your own business through the lenses of some of our favorite people we get to work with every day. These powerful sentiments make it apparent just why this is such a great business to call your own.

Working with people like these, we clearly have a great deal for which to be thankful!

My kids often ask why I do what I do. Why? Because I love people and it feels good to help others. Maybe that sounds corny, but it's the truth.

In this business, I love meeting new people and learning about their businesses. I take in their life stories (both business and personal) like a kid in a candy store with $20 to spend. I want it all!

I remember years ago when I shifted from the Fortune 500 market and started to work with smaller businesses, it seemed that every day I met someone who had a company in an industry that I never even knew existed. They somehow found their way into doing whatever it was they were doing, changing directions at every turn, at every influential person or life experience they encountered. And they were making a living at it; some of them a VERY good living, many of them with great quality of life too as they balance it all.

The ones I really like being around are the ones who genuinely love what they do and who they do it with. Those are the clients I seek out to work with. And you know what? That's the type of person I consider myself lucky enough to have become. I love what I do because of whom I get to do it with. And for that, I'm very thankful. – Adam Rosenfeld

I am grateful to be a part of such an ever-changing industry that is able to evolve and maintain its relevance and integrity. – Sue Mason

Yesterday I joined two of my colleagues at lunch with a long time client. The owner, his son, and the HR exec joined us. No business, just to enjoy one another's company. Lots of laughter and great food.

When we were close to finishing I thanked the owner for everything he and his family do for his employees, his community, and his appreciation of my team. What a gift to so enjoy and to serve great people, to provide my colleagues with unlimited opportunities and to make our small corner of the world a little better place to raise our families.

I drove back to my office very thankful for the people I spend each day serving. – Joe Part

One of my corporate banking clients 20 years or so ago told me that his company was successful because he believed in taking care of his employees first and they would then take care of his customers and suppliers. When he sold his company for $1 billion dollars he gave his employees $100 million to say thanks. I never forgot that philosophy.

At RGEB our tag line is "Helping you take care of your employees, so they can take care of your business!"

All of us at RGEB are focused on helping people, which is our number 1 value proposition. I am thankful that we have the opportunity to help people every day, whether it be an employer, their employees and dependents, individuals, families or seniors. What a great job all of us have. – Barry Cohn

This time of year I always reflect on the many blessings in my life, my beautiful bride of 31 years, 2 amazing sons, a warm house and countless others. But I am also thankful for chance that I have to impact individuals and their families through my work. The health insurance industry has come under fire in recent years, but I (we) have the opportunity to help keep families from financial ruin. Just today one of my clients called to thank me for helping her obtain health insurance last year, "Jim you showed genuine care and compassion and you helped me get through a very difficult process." She went on to tell me about her eye surgery that she was able to have because of her insurance. Then what she said really grabbed me, "how can one put a price on their eyesight, thank you so much." What we do matters. – Jim Deese

I am so thankful that Benefit Innovations continues to have opportunities to provide solutions to our existing as well as new clients. It seems as though each client is part of our family and they always make us feel part of theirs. We celebrate life together, working, laughing, praying, strategizing, and sometimes holding one another through tears of loss. We have been blessed with several new additions to the BI family this quarter and we look forward to building those strong relationships with each of them through the coming months and years. – Wanza Schweiger

Being new to employee benefits sales, I am grateful to be part of a supportive agency and to have great connections to get me through the rookie process. I am also grateful for the ability to pick our clients and for the awesome clients we have. – Corry Harris

Thank GOD open enrollment is almost over. In addition to GOD, our gratitude extends to our amazing clients, and my fantastic team who realizes the value of our purpose in service. – Laurie Rood

I can honestly say I have been very blessed with the position I have been allowed to enter, as I sit with the man that started our agency who is now 89. I look forward to coming to work everyday, helping to further educate the community I am surrounded by. It is such a blessing to be able to work with the entire community from business employees up to the owners and operators. As difficult as this job may be at times, it always refreshing to remember that the purpose of our offerings is in place to protect the health and financial well being of each and every client. – Taylor Lindsey

I am thankful for the many wonderful relationships that I have built over the years with my clients, and I am grateful for the confidence they have placed in me to help them both personally and professionally.

I am thankful for the satisfaction I feel when I provide a valuable and much needed solution for my clients. – Mike Staebler

Every day, whether we know it or not, we make a difference. Sometimes it's by helping someone get the insurance and care they need with just some simple guidance, yet received as a huge feat to them. Telling our employer clients not to stress (when I'm stressed to the max) and hearing a sigh of relief over the phone just because I can easily take their anxiety away. Helping people feel peaceful, unafraid. I'm thankful God gave me patience, and the heart of a servant, because I can't help but do anything except care.

Thankful that I'm able to adapt instead of throw in the towel. I'm thankful for people who believed in me before I did. For the ability to make a difference and become a positive influence - even to my employees. Thankful for exceptional people I get to surround myself with, even virtually. Thankful for my many, many peers in the business whom I can call at any time to cuss with, pray with, or perhaps recently, want to cry with. I'm thankful for the kind notes we get from clients because we changed their lives. I'm thankful for all of you. Happy Thanksgiving. – Tanya Boyd

Thank you to all of our wonderful clients, to our partners, to the industry at large! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Kevin & Wendy


Photo by John.

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