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What is self-discipline? It is moving beyond the limits that willpower provides. Learn about the difference between willpower and self-discipline.
Kevin Trokey

Willpower vs. Self-Discipline

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Regular readers have heard me talk over the years about the ongoing changes to the benefits industry. You know them as well as I do. You also know that those who aren't committed to keeping up and leading will have a hard time overcoming the challenges and surviving.

I also talk about the great opportunities for producers and agencies who successfully navigate the changes and step up to the challenges. My hope is that you desire those same opportunities and have made the commitment to make them happen.

Desire is a great start, but you also need commitment

When doing something new to you, you must prepare yourself to make that commitment - not just one time, but every single day.

Like a New Year’s resolution, it’s not what happens on January 1 that matters nearly as much as it is what happens the other 364 days. Let’s take a look at what I mean and how you can make it happen consistently.

Start by identifying your goal and be prepared to continually recommit to that goal. Now comes the hard part, and it is here where your previous successes are likely to become an obstacle.

Chances are you are as successful as you are because you have unbelievable willpower. Unfortunately, there is a natural limit as to how far you can get on pure willpower.

To move beyond that limit requires self-discipline.

When I first thought about these two driving forces, the line was blurry at best. Upon further thought, here is how I see the difference.

  • Willpower is a rather sudden and momentary burst of focused energy, while self-discipline is structured, well thought out, and consistent.
  • Willpower, in the moment, is more tangible and seemingly more powerful. The reality is that the power of self-discipline dwarfs that of willpower.

If your goal were to lose 20 pounds, willpower would help you walk past that plate of donuts. Self-discipline would have you walking past them every single time. Willpower would have you get to the gym at 5:00 a.m. on January 2. Self-discipline would have you getting up for the gym every day that follows.

If your goal were to grow your book of business, willpower would have you planning out your week in advance. Self-discipline would have you planning out every week in advance. Willpower would have you filling your pipeline with great opportunities. Self-discipline would have you maintaining your pipeline at that full level.

Sustained success takes planning and practice

Again, I am certain you have a large amount of willpower, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that it will sustain your next level of success. Willpower can help you get anything accomplished once. Once is relatively easy, but it isn’t enough. Don’t let your ability to do anything once provide you with a false sense of security.

Self-discipline isn’t natural for most of us, and, left to our own devices, we won’t maintain it over time. Therefore, it is important to recognize that part of creating self-discipline starts with structure and, perhaps most importantly, includes making yourself voluntarily accountable to someone else. Without the support that comes with accountability, your likelihood of staying on track is minimal, at best.

Use the following steps as a model to help you achieve the changes you desire.

  1. Desire – Clearly define (in as much detail as possible) what it is you want to change or achieve. Then, write an affirmative, present-tense statement about what it is that you will be doing. For example, if you are guilty of sporadic prospecting, your daily reminder statement might look like this: “I set five new business appointments each week.” Then go do it.
  2. Commitment – You get to choose how to spend your time every day. Each day, commit yourself to your new action.
  3. Declaration of intent – Share your desire and commitment with someone else. Don’t just share your big-picture commitment; share the weekly to-dos that are necessary for the big picture to become your reality.
  4. Accountability – Not only give permission to someone else to hold you accountable for staying focused but set the expectation that they will call you out on inconsistent behaviors. If they can’t do that for you, find someone else. Make the accountability as objective as possible. If you have specific “have to’s” for the week, be sure it is the follow-through on these items for which you are accountable.
  5. Self-reporting – Your accountability partner can’t be watching all the time; you have to admit to your shortcomings. Be willing to go to your partner and confess, “I didn’t set any new appointments,” or “I’m struggling in (this) area. I need your help to get back on track.”

The challenges we’re facing in the benefits industry are not necessarily easy to overcome, but they are infinitely doable with the right plan, focus, and self-discipline. You just have to ask yourself, “How badly do I want it?”

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Content provided by Q4intelligence 

Photo by baweg

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