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Our industry has as many acronyms as any; it’s time to give each of the 26 letters of the alphabet its moment in the spotlight.
A dvise with the client’s best interest in mind, ALWAYS.
B enefits may have insurance solutions as their foundation, but the problems you solve for clients must go so much further.
C lients you have helped should be your greatest source of referrals and introductions to new opportunities.
D ifferentiation from your competition doesn’t happen with the spreadsheet, capabilities presentation, promises of better service, or years in business most agencies point to.
E mployers have no other partner who can make as broad and significant of an impact on their business as a benefits advisor who is doing their job the way it needs to be done.
F inancial impact is just one of the important ways you make a difference for clients; you also impact them operationally, strategically, and emotionally (because of your connection to their employees).
G reed has no place when making decisions about the insurance solutions you recommend.
H abits that drive intentional growth will separate you from your competition.
I nsanity has a new definition in our industry: doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results.
J ob description of benefits advisors – solve problems.
K eep showing up, and you’ll beat most of your competition.
L osing a client should always be a bad day, but if it becomes a bad week, shame on you for not having a healthier pipeline.
M arketing is not a project or an optional activity; it is a critical daily function of any growing agency.
N ational Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals is THE association we all need to support.
O pportunity isn’t something you wait for; it’s something you hunt down.
P rospecting may the scariest and most difficult part of a difficult and scary job, but it’s part of what you signed up for.
Q 4intelligence can be the answer for most of your growth challenges. (Couldn’t help ourselves. 😏 🤷♂️)
R elationship business is a claim made by advisors who can’t differentiate themselves with the advice and results they deliver.
S ales process is important for advisors to have consistent conversations, but it’s even more important for the buyer to ensure they make the best buying decision possible.
T oday is the tomorrow you claimed yesterday you’d do that difficult thing you need to do.
U ntil you have work friends who are willing to kick you in the ass when you don’t do what you need to do, keep looking for new friends.
V alue-Based Insurance Design is to fully-insured plans what the farm-to-table movement is to pre-packaged, processed meals.
W ondering how you’re going to win going into a sales opportunity as opposed to how you can help them win is a sure recipe to ensure you both lose.
X pecting prospects to hire you based on your ability to get quotes is like expecting someone to hire a chef based on their ability to go grocery shopping.
Y ou should never lose because the competition showed up better prepared.
Z enefits provided a wake-up call, but, in the end, they were the ones serving up milkshakes instead of drinking them.
Content provided by Q4intelligence
Photo by sheilaf2002