It’s all too easy to articulate a vision of the ideal company culture—emphasizing values like work-life balance, respect, and open communication. However, as many of us find out, the real challenge lies not in defining these values but in living them, especially when the pressure mounts.
Whether it's sending emails late into the night or working through weekends, these moments test our commitment to the very culture we advocate for. Ironically, in our bid to lead by example, we might set a standard that contradicts our preached values. This dissonance affects personal wellbeing and can erode trust within your team as they struggle to reconcile what you promote with the behaviors you exhibit. It's a reminder that leadership is as much about introspection and self-regulation as it is about guiding others.
To help maintain alignment between your actions and your stated values, consider this monthly reflection exercise. It can be a personal audit, ensuring you stay true to your vision and lead with integrity.
Monthly leadership reflection
Do my actions reflect the values I preach (especially under pressure)?
We all know the drill: preach work-life balance yet find ourselves slogging through emails on a Sunday evening. This discrepancy between what we say and what we do undermines our credibility and contributes to a culture of contradiction.
Reflect on instances where you prioritized work over personal wellbeing or encouraged a culture of overwork, albeit unintentionally.
Can I recognize when I'm just following the crowd and correct my course?
The instinct to blend in with our surroundings is human nature. But this instinct can sometimes betray your values. As a leader, your challenge is to remain aware of your behavior and consistently ask if you practice what you promote.
Consider moments when you've adopted behaviors or practices simply because they're the norm within your industry or peer group. For example, have you ever gossiped despite hating it? If you've ever found yourself partaking in behaviors you disapprove of, it's a sign peer influence is at play.
Ask yourself, “How vigilant am I in recognizing when I'm adopting the pack's behavior, especially when it contradicts my values and goals?”
How regularly do I take stock of my behavior, ensuring it's in harmony with the values I promote?
Self-awareness is crucial for any leader. Without it, you can drift away from your intended path, adopting habits and behaviors that contradict the very culture you try to create. Reflecting on your actions, how they're perceived, and their impact on your team is vital. Evaluate how often you self-reflect, acknowledging when your actions have strayed from your intended path.
When I mess up, do I admit it and encourage my team to do the same?
Think about how you respond to your own mistakes and whether you foster an environment where accountability is embraced. Leadership is not about perfection but about authenticity and responsibility. When actions misalign with values, the true test of leadership is the ability to own up to these moments. By doing so, you model the importance of accountability and demonstrate a commitment to personal growth and integrity. Discussing this with your team may also help them break away from the pack and give them a sense of safety in owning up to their misaligned behaviors.
Does the culture I've built genuinely reflect its values?
Assess the day-to-day reality of your work environment to determine if it embodies the values you advocate. Ultimately, leadership's effectiveness is measured by an organization's culture. Does the environment you created encourage and reflect the values you espouse? Or is there a disconnect between what you say and what you do? Look beyond individual actions and consider the broader impact of your leadership on the organizational culture.
Building a legacy through self-awareness
The journey of leadership is ongoing and has challenges that test your commitment to your values and your ability to be honest with yourself. Yet, it is precisely this commitment that shapes the legacy left within your business and the lives of your team members.
Leaders who consistently engage in self-reflection are unafraid to adjust their course and own their mistakes, set the foundation for a culture of integrity and trust, inspiring those around them to strive for authenticity in their actions.
Content provided by Q4intelligence
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