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We are heading to NAHU’s Capitol Conference in Washington, D.C. next week. Are you?
I would argue this is the single most important industry conference each year. Its importance is likely obvious in some ways, but so complex and subtle in others.
To paraphrase from the NAHU website, Capitol Conference (CapCon) is an opportunity to hear from DC influencers, to lobby for healthcare reform changes, to stand together and make our voices heard, and, as important as anything, to connect with hundreds of industry colleagues.
As important as most industry conferences tend to be, the attendees at most go for largely self-serving reasons. They are looking to meet a new vendor with the hopes of finding a new product. Or they attend sessions with the hopes of learning something that will make their business stronger. Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with either and both are absolutely necessary to help grow your business.
However, attendees who travel to Washington DC for CapCon do so to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They travel to participate in conversations and debates that will shape the future of this great industry and, given the sense of urgency around the future of healthcare, arguably the future of our great nation.
Next week 900 of the most selfless professionals in our industry will descend on the nation’s capitol to discuss some of the most pressing legislative issues our President and Congress will be dealing with for (at least) the next 2 years.
We will discuss these issues in breakout sessions, learn about them during keynotes, debate them during a Town Hall, take them to the halls of Congress, and maybe even analyze them over a cocktail or a little bowling (yep!). We will all leave with a sense of satisfaction for having participated in the process and with the quiet confidence that comes from being an active member in NAHU.
Share the message!
As we always do, Wendy and I will share LinkedIn updates and Tweets about what we learn, see, and hear along the way. Whether you are able to attend or not, watch for our online conversations and please share the updates. It’s important stuff. It’s important for our association. It’s important for our industry. It’s important for our country. And, no, I don’t think I’m being overly dramatic.
Watch for hashtags #NAHUCapCon17 and #BrokersMakingADifference from our Twitter accounts @KevinTrokey and @WendyKeneipp. We will also share ideas via LinkedIn updates.
And, if you are going as well, please use these same hashtags and tweet and update what you learn, see, and hear; encourage others to do the same.
These are (to say the least) challenging times for our industry; our path has never been less assured. There are days ahead that will be hard; there are days ahead that will be scary. However, they won’t be nearly as hard or nearly as scary for those of us who chart this path together.
- It’s time we stand together
- It’s time we fight together
- It’s time that, together, we take control of our collective destiny
I stood up during the Town Hall at the 2016 NAHU National Convention and challenged the room to participate in the social conversation. It’s an opportunity, even a responsibility, we can’t let pass.
There will be 900 attendees at CapCon this year.
If each attendee tweeted/updated each day of the 4-day conference, assuming each attendee averaged 500 connections/followers (some have 1000s), we would have 1.8 MILLION impressions! And that’s before any additional sharing takes place.
Let’s take this opportunity/responsibility to:
- Remind one another of why we participate
- Demonstrate to non-NAHU members the value of membership
- Show your prospects/clients just how hard you are working on their behalf
It’s time we all become productive participants in the conversation.