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As you read this, we are gathered with some of our favorite people in New Orleans for Q4Live, our networking/learning/growing conference.
Our conference is different than most. It's is a conference for insurance agency networking that is a learning, sharing, and growing experience. Everyone who attends is expected to be an active participant. It doesn’t matter if you are an agency who has been with us from the beginning, just joined our network, are still considering joining, or are one of our invited agency partners. Everyone is expected to participate in every conversation.
Our goal is that everyone leaves with greater confidence and is better prepared for their own success.
We are there first and foremost there to work hard, but we also play hard together over evening events. And we have even been known to bring in adult beverages during the afternoon break. Our boutique hotel selections have been described as “funky”, which is true, but we also choose them for their smaller size to help ensure the group can stay together.
Q4Live has often been described as more of a family reunion than an industry conference.
Then, of course, is the content. Here’s a little look at what we’re discussing while you are reading.
Intentional Collaboration
The theme for our session will be established in the opening presentation, “Intentional Collaboration”. While the typical, traditional broker will go out to prospects and focus on price, product, and service, we are preparing our brokers to focus on cost, problems, and collaboration.
- By focusing on the greater cost issues of their prospects/clients, our brokers can make a bigger impact than the simple price reflected on a spreadsheet.
- We know that prospects aren’t interested in discussing the products a broker has to offer, so we are preparing our brokers to analyze and discuss the problems that make the product necessary.
- The reactive service most brokers brag about will pale in comparison to the proactive efforts of a collaborative team effort, every time.
Collaboration within our own organizations is only start, we have to redefine what “team” means and build collaboration into the expanded definition.
The other sessions you are missing. ; )
Industry trends & intentional responses – Recognizing that the difference between consultants who are prepared to respond with thoughtful plans vs. brokers who jump into reactionary mode is about intentionally watching the trends and being prepared, regardless of the outcome.
Learning from the partners
A chance to network and learn about new solutions for prospects/clients. Partners are speaking to the areas of technology, compliance, tele-health, payroll, HR, cyber security.
The Trump Administration’s First 100 Days
A presentation and Q&A session with Stacy Barrow, Q4i Compliance Director.
Difference makers
Open discussion of books being read, apps being used, ideas being implemented.
Group discussions
We will break into discussion groups of like-sized agencies. One of the Q4i coaches will introduce a topic and the related issues. We’ll then follow with facilitated group conversations among the attendees. Topics/sessions include:
- Building a more comprehensive/impactful value proposition – We’ll explore the innovative solutions being offered among Q4i agencies and, more importantly, the most effective ways to leverage these solutions.
- Agency team + processes – The structure of the team and the way the processes flow have a significant impact on the output delivered by the team. Effective team selling and exceptional client experience come from an intentional approach to agency operations.
- Prospecting + sales process – We will discuss the confidence that comes from building/maintaining a healthy pipeline and from having a buyer-focused conversation through which to move prospects.
- Insurance Agency Marketing – Agencies struggle with marketing for numerous reasons. We’ll be talking honestly about those things holding them back and how to begin tackling it piece-by-piece.
And, in between the formal sessions will be lots of networking, storytelling, idea sharing, and, of course, team building.
It is an exhausting few days, but that good kind of exhausted after a great workout. It takes effort, but you know you’re stronger as a result.
If any of these topics are of interest to you, let us know. We consider you a part of the team/family who we just haven’t had a chance to meet yet, and we’re happy to share our ideas/insights!
Who knows, maybe you’ll join us for our next reunion. San Diego in January sounds pretty good doesn’t it? ; )
Photo by skeeze.