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It's that time again! Time to get ready for Q4Live in Washington, DC. But what is Q4Live? And what do we do there. Find out in this blog!
Kevin Trokey

ReThinking Conferencing, We’re Going to DC

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SHIFT-ton – noun. A unit of measurement used to weigh the reasons you should attend Q4Live.

Let me cut to the chase. This post is about encouraging you to join us for our next networking conference, Q4Live, July 25 - 27 in Washington, DC. As much as we may think you need to attend, we know our event isn’t the right fit for everyone.

Let’s #ReThink what you typically expect from a conference!

The big picture

Our theme for the year and this event is “ReThink EVERYTHING.” And, yes, we have rethought the typical conference experience. While other conferences are an endless introduction of new products, hit the same basic way-too-familiar agenda, or even leave you feeling like you were held captive inside an infomercial, that’s not us.

This ain’t your daddy’s benefit conference

Our conference is three days of the types of conversations and interactions you have come to expect from us based on what you read weekly in this blog and daily online. If you have followed us for any length of time, you know how passionately we write about the industry, challenges we observe, things that frustrate us, things worth celebrating, how to be more successful, and generally, about this industry journey we are all on together.

Where our paths may cross on that journey

And, WOW, has that journey become more challenging! But successfully navigating those challenges and journeys are at the core of how we help agencies day-to-day.

Maybe you read our stuff but haven’t figured out exactly what it is we do. If so, let me help you better understand. This is important for you in deciding to attend our event because this event is an extension of the work we do and the commitment we make to agencies daily. There are lots of moving parts, but it boils down to this.

We prepare our clients to put the right number of the right opportunities in their pipeline, systematically move those opportunities through the pipeline to close and run more efficient agencies around the resulting clients.

Pretty basic, right? Yeah, but it has never been more difficult for agencies to do this, which gets back to our theme.

We know that for agencies to be successful, they must rethink everything about building their business. That doesn’t mean everything needs to change. Rethinking will allow you to commit to those things further that you are already doing right. However, it is only with rethinking that you can identify the things that may need to change:

  • The client experience you deliver
  • The sales process you use to move them through the pipeline
  • The marketing strategy/plan you execute to get the attention of the right people in the first place.

However, many also need to expose themselves to other perspectives for the rethinking to be most effective.

Enter Q4Live

Or, more accurately, should you consider entering the room at Q4Live?

  1. Would you benefit from ideas/strategies to get the basics of your house in order? If so, this may be the right event for you. (Please pass go, my friend 👉)
  2. Are you ready to rethink your marketing presence, sales process, and client experience to speak to the needs of today’s businesses more effectively? If so, you may want to start clearing your calendar. (I’m not sure about you, but I haven’t been this excited since I got Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots for my 5th birthday 😆)
  3. Do you enjoy being in a room full of like-minded professionals willing to challenge and be challenged for the purpose of making one another stronger? (Holy crap, us too!! 🤪 - Good news! I just asked the magic 8 ball if you should attend. It said, “Signs point to yes” 👍)
  4. Do you enjoy the ideas, tone, and purpose of the conversations we bring to you via this blog and our online presence? 🤔

If you are still answering yes, then pack. You no longer need to rethink this decision—meet us in DC!! 👍

Still not QUITE sure?

As a final bit of encouragement, don’t simply take our word for it. Take it from those who have already put themselves in the room before and come to us to help them with the same challenges you may face.

  • I've followed your writing for a long time, and in person, you are exactly as I expected you to be based on everything I've read, seen, and heard over the years. Our conversations have been exactly what we needed and what I was hoping to find.
  • I'm more challenged by Q4i's content than any other industry source & feel you're helping prepare the industry for where it is heading. 
  • Q4Live was one of the best conferences in my career. I need to be around thought leaders like your attendees! We help each other be better.

Final Disclaimer – Please read before taking a trip with us

Q4Live is a powerful experience. Before taking, consult with your team. Side effects are common and may include challenged thinking, increased heart rate, uncontrollable laughter, a sense of community, collaboration, optimism, clarity of vision, confidence, vulnerability, an abundance of new ideas, and fatigue by the end of the event.

So, what are you waiting for?! Visit the event page, get registered, and let the #ReThinking begin!

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Content provided by Q4intelligence 

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